Leasing in Germany

The leasing sector is Germany’s most powerful investment engine and largest investor; over the twelve months of 2024 it generated investments to the tune of 80,4 billion euro. Medium-sized companies in particular are well represented among the ranks of leasing customers. 

Investments by the Leasing Sector

Leasing Investments

A Quarter of All Investments in Equipment were Financed through Leasing

Leasing Penetration Rates

Leasing penetration rates in Germany: the percentages of aggregate investment and of investment in equipment accounted for by leasing. Statistics on the penetration rate of leasing in the real-estate segment have only been compiled since 1981. In 2019, the data basis was adjusted to reflect a revision in the calculation of equipment investment made by the Federal Statistical Office several years ago.

Asset Categories in the Leasing Sector

Passenger Cars Largest Asset Group

Shares of the Asset Group in New Leasing + Hire-Purchase Business

Customer Groups in the Equipment Sector

Share in the New Business Leasing + Hire-Purchase, in Percent

Leasing in Europe

26.1 percent of overall economic investment in equipment in Germany are financed through leasing. This penetration rate is much lower than in the USA, which is the world’s leader in the use of leasing services. But compared with other European countries, Germany comes out alongside the UK in joint top place in the leasing rankings. Further strategic data on the European leasing market can be obtained from Leaseurope, the umbrella organization of the continent’s national leasing associations.

Top 5 Leasing Markets in Europe
