About us
We are the voice of the leasing industry in Germany. The BDL has around 230 member companies, and these companies generate 85 percent of the value of the German leasing market. In the way they are structured, these companies provide a representative picture of Germany’s corporate landscape. Our General Assembly, which is the Association’s supreme body, elects the members of the BDL Board, who then serve on the Board for the duration of the electoral term. For its part, the BDL Board nominates the representatives who serve in the various Association committees.
The honorary members of our expert panels are men and women recruited from our member companies. They discuss technical questions, advise on concrete issues arising from companies’ particular activities, and explore possible solutions to any problems they identify.
The Board
The BDL Board sets strategic objectives for the Association to pursue. The President is the BDL’s chief public and political spokesman. All members of the BDL Board serve on an honorary basis.
The technical committees work in various specialized fields. The decisions made by the BDL Board are based on their recommendations. The member of the BDL’s committees also serve on an honorary basis.
Executive Board
The Executive Board is in charge of the running of the BDL and supports the heads of the Association’s various specialist departments. In addition, the BDL has its own permanent representative office in Brussels.